Tuesday, August 28, 2012

I'm going into the world...... [Matthew 28:19-20]

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
[Matthew 28:19-20 NIV]

I know what you're all thinking....I'm in a missions school... of course that would be the verse I use. But this verse has really had an impact on me. I want you to read same passage, but from The Message:

"God authorized and commanded me to commission you: Go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in this way of life, marking them by baptism in the threefold name: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Then instruct them in the practice of all I have commanded you. I'll be with you as you do this, day after day after day, right up to the end of the age."
[Matthew 28:19-20]

And that is exactly what I feel like God is calling me to do; to take this knowledge and revelation of God's character and truth that i've learned into the world and share it! Why would I want to keep it for my self? Over my nine weeks here so far, I have really felt God affirm my call in life. And that call is going to lead me to be a full time missionary! How awesome? So what does this mean? Well... this means that I will not be attending college in January as originally planned. Instead, I am going to be attending a second level YWAM School in Denver, Colorado! The school is called School of Worship (SOW) [click the link to read about it]. The mission statement for this course is, "to raise-up worshippers who are passionate about Jesus and skillfully trained; those who will not only minister to God's heart, but will go into all the world with His high praises in their mouth and a two-edged sword in their hand (Psalm 149:6),"  

After that? I am not totally sure, but I know that I will be involved in missions/ministry. I am pretty confident that it will be in the form of YWAM. I would love to be apart of a YWAM youth ministry, or staff a DTS. At this point, I can't really see past SOW, but I know God will speak to me. 

Okay so here is the background story of why I have chosen this over Berklee College of Music (Yeah I know that you guys think i'm absolutely crazy for turning down a scholarship there, and yeah, I am crazy): When my mom was pregnant with me, she was prophesied over that I would be a worship leader! This prophecy has always been in the back of my head, but I never really knew how to pursue it. I thought by going to music school I would be pursing this, when really I realized that going to Berklee is only going to pursue my musical calling, but not my worship leader calling. I also realized something else since being here. When I first got here, I thought that because I had gotten a scholarship, God wanted me at Berklee, but then I got the revelation that God is a God of CHOICES! I believe that there is ONE call on our lives, but MANY paths to that calling. By God providing me with the finances for Berklee, He made Berklee an option for me. Had the finances not been there, it wouldn't have even been an option. So yeah, God made that an option because of His goodness. So SOW is another one of those options, and for right now, it is the option I am going to take. By being at Berklee, I would be getting an education to be in the industry, or sit in an office as a musical therapist, when really I know that I am called to be in the world, and see it change! By being apart of SOW, I will not only get an intense training in music, but also a training in how to be a Worship Leader and also get training to go into the world! I have been praying about this a lot, and so has my mom and we are both in agreement!

So yes, this is me officially announcing that I am not going to college as planned, and I am going to be a missionary! Yes this is very scary as I will be totally dependent for finances. SOW is another $4,000 and then joining staff can be anywhere from $14,000 and $17,000 a year because of staff fees, meals, insurance, visas, etc. BUT I know that God is my ultimate provider, and if I am in the center of His will, He WILL provide. Yes, I know I have to be proactive and do my part, but I am totally trusting God for finances in the years to come!

I ask that you partner with me so that I may hear clearly from God about my future, and also pray even now that God provides my finances. 

Well 24 days til I leave for London & India! I'll let you know more soon!
- Grace Eggers

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Make Complacency My Enemy...

"Hear me Oh Lord when I cry.
I'm broken, I'm thirsty, and I'm tried.
God make complacency my enemy and your fight.
Let desperation be like David's key for my life.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me;
my cup runneth over, my cup runneth over.
The broke, the contrite you have yet to deny.
I lay before you; I lay bare before you.

No you're never gonna leave me dry
No you don't, no you don't' no you don't
You're always willing; my cup you'll be filling

You fill us with your love; overwhelm us with you love.
Take us from the ashes, seat us with princes.
It's what you do; it's just what you do!"
- Never Gonna Leave Me Dry - IHOPKC

This song has come up so many times this week during base worship, school worship, worship night, and in my quiet times! I have really made this my prayer! One of the words spoken over our school is that we "make complacency our enemy"! What a prayer! God has really been speaking to me about a lot of things the past week or so and I can't wait for Him to continue speaking. 

With all that said, I am really sorry that I haven't posted an update in a while! I have no legitimate excuse! So i'll get right into it. Since my last blog we have had lectures on the Father Heart of God, Submission & Authority, and this past week was on Missions! Talk about heavy topics! Father Heart was really good, and I embraced the healing that came through seeing God as my Heavenly Father. Authority & Submission was also great and very challenging. However, my favorite week thus far has been Missions. We had the National Director for YWAM Bangladesh speak to us. Originally from Papua New Guinea, he has truly adopted Bangladesh as his home. It was so great to see someone who has SO much passion for the nations and has so much passion to see others catch the same passion. He talked a lot about the imbalance in missions and mission support! Did you know that only 10% of Christians support missionaries!? That makes me really sad!

On Friday, we applied Missions by "adopting a country." We were given a list of unreached countries to pray about. Part of adopting a country is to pray, give, or go. At first I didn't feel like i was discerning what God was saying to me, however as I kept praying, God clearly spoke SYRIA to me. Wait... what? Why? I was kinda bummed because I was hoping God would speak a south-east asian or african country to me. But God really pressed Syria on my heart and as I kept praying about it, God began to give me an excitement. Yes I have to admit that I didn't even know where Syria was, but now I know that I have to find out more about the country and definitely keep it in my prayer. 

During the course of the week, I really witnessed God reveal His call on my life for missions/ministry. In reality, I think I have always been called to missions, but it took this week for my eyes to be opened to it. I have never wanted to lead an ordinary lifestyle, and I don't want to. God has called me to be apart of the world, to live in the world, and to see it change. The thought of living the "american dream" sickens me. Not saying that it is wrong, and yes for some people that dream is awesome, but for me particularly, I know God has called me to live out of the normal. Having a call in missions is very scary, but also VERY exciting! 

So yes folks, I, Grace Eggers am going to be a missionary!

Talk to you soon! I promise I won't keep you waiting again, 
Grace Eggers

- Pray for my outreach team going to London and Hyderabad, India
- Pray that God will bring in funds for outreach! We need $4,500 each! (Ask God also if He would have you partner with me in supporting me financially with my costs)
- Pray for direction as to what to do after DTS
- Pray for continued health for my body recovering from Mononucleosis/Glandular Fever

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Jai Ho!

I'll be singing that a lot! And the best part, is i'll be singing it in INDIA!

Today, our outreach locations were announced! As I said before, we will be spending five or six weeks in London working with Megacities! Megacities was started by YWAM Perth. Every two years, YWAM picks a city. They go into this city for one year and evangelize the heck out of it working alongside local churches. In 2010, they were in Mexico City and saw over 10,000 people come to the Lord. This year in London, Megacities is coming to a close and so far they have only seen 260 salvations, however there is firm belief that something BIG is about to happen in the closing season. My DTS is split up into three teams; we will each be assigned a borough and will do ministry there!

After the weeks in London, I have the awesome privilege to travel on a team of 15 to the great nation of INDIA! Nothing has been announced as to what we will be doing there, or where exactly we will be! All I know is that I WILL be there, and it is going to take $4,500 to get me there! But God is so good, and he is SO faithful! I am so excited too about my team, there is such great chemistry on our team, and I know God has BIG plans for us! 

I will keep you posted as I learn more about the outreach!

Love you all!