Wednesday, November 28, 2012

I Am a Princess

My father loves me. My father challenges me. My father chose me. My Father is Jesus. My Father is a King. That makes me a Princess.

This is what we talked about last week. The Father Heart of God. And what a week it was for me. Challenging, painful at times, but refreshing.

As we were going through lectures with David Stephenson from YWAM New Castle, Australia, I felt like everything I was hearing was brand new. And that's because, in a sense, it was. Last quarter during music DTS, I purposely did not listen. That's bold, but true. I knew with a topic like Father Heart, I was going to have to face the fact that I don't have an earthly father; something I was no ready to deal with. Since then, God has worked on my heart, preparing me to have this topic again, preparing not only my ears, but my heart to listen as well.

Have you ever taken a second to ask God how he sees you? It may, or may not be one of the scariest things you ever do. Typically, if there is an area of sin in your life, than it's hard to believe that God sees us as His children. Children whom he loves. If that is the case, there is only one thing to do. Walk in humility... confess that sin, and be vulnerable. And that is the most beautiful thing to God; Humility & Vulnerability. Humility is seeing yourself as God sees you. Do you want to be beautiful to God? Cause I know I do. So it is a challenge to me.... to walk in humility. 

The subject of God being our Father is so sunday school, but do we really believe it in our hearts? Do we live our lives in such a way that reflects that? As our Father, God desires that we claim Him as "Dad" -- " I myself said, 'How gladly would I treat you like my children and give you a pleasant land, the most beautiful inheritance of any nation.' I thought you would call me 'Father' and not turn away from following me" [Jeremiah 3:19] Some of the saddest words I have ever read in the Bible..."I thought you would call me Father." To think that at times I don't claim God as my Father, when he desires us to. Because only HE can provide everything we need. Yes, we may have wonderful earthly fathers, but not perfect. But God is perfect.

Did you know, in Bible times [Roman times], you could legally divorce your natural children? However, if you adopted a child, you could not divorce them, because the parent chose them. And guess what -- we are chosen -- officially and legally adopted by God. -- Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God - children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or husband's will, but born of God [John 1:12-13] HOW COOL! This means that our Father will never, ever, ever abandon us. 
With this knowledge, it's time to re-script our view. If we view ourselves as crap, we will probably treat ourselves like crap. If we view ourselves as beloved of God, we will act as such. There is a war for our identity. This goes back to the humility thing too. Sometimes, we have false humility. But false humility is another form of pride. If we see ourselves too lowly...or too highly, we are putting our opinions over the opinions of our Father. So, let's just let God love us, let him tell us who we are, and rest in that! There is no reason to have guilt [guilt says "i have done something wrong"] or shame [shame says "there's something wrong with me"]. He loves us despite of our past, present, and future! How amazing.

These are just some of the things that God taught me over the week, and then it came time to application. Here is where more revelation come in. -- On Friday, we were supposed to address areas of hurt, or sin due to wrong views of the Father. I had several. First off, I realized that the reason I had not wanted to pay attention to other Father Heart-ish type things is because I felt that it meant I had to let go of my earthly Father and his death. Something I was not willing to do. But that is a wrong assumption, God does not replace our earthly fathers, He simply comes to show us perfect love. The Hurt.

There have been a few major disappointments in my life. Things that have evoked many emotions. God revealed to me this week that in the past, I have taken these disappointments, held on to the emotion, and acted out, instead of letting God come and minister his Father heart to me. When we have revealed truth like this come to our life, we are held responsible to apply it. Now that this has been revealed to me, I must apply it. Therefore, I know that when things in life come, and I face disappointment [which will continue to happen in life], I must press into God.

SO that is what God has been doing in my life. I am so passionate about this, and just had to share because I feel like it's something that many people need to hear!

Love you guys. 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Blessing of Being Stretched


Wow. Where to begin...
      Week six is upon us of my second DTS. That means that I have official been in Perth, Australia for nineteen weeks. That's four months and thirteen days. I am just about half way done with lecture phase, and just about at the half way point of the 9 months I will be spending away from home. Crazy! In one sense, I feel like it was just yesterday that I boarded the plane in Charlotte. In another sense, it feels like I have lived here my whole life.
      Well, in the last five weeks, I can say that I have learned more, experienced more, and been stretched more than probably ever before. God has totally revealed Himself to me in a way that I have never experienced things. I am learning things not only about God, but about myself too. He has totally been faithful to me during this process, and has been so gracious to me. And I'm so excited to share about that!
       Things this go around for DTS are so different. Not in a bad way, not in a good way... just different. But through that, God is growing me. For instance... I am in a sports DTS. Enough said.
      If you know anything about me, you know how important relationships are to me. Friends... I LOVE my friends. And I love them well. I have always been someone more worried about friendships than other things. With that said, I have to admit that I don't have the intimacy in relationships this DTS as I did during my music DTS. But I believe that is because God is teaching me to TOTALLY and COMPLETELY rely on Him for everything. Not just for the things that I need, but also for friendship, intimacy, and identity. He has been teaching me to not look for others to affirm me, but to find my affirmation in Him. I don't need worldly acceptance, when this world is only temporary. That gives me such a sense of security. 
      Along with that, I have been a bit more "grandma"-ish in the sense that I am not letting myself burn at both ends. God has been teaching me to rest, not just rest in him, but to physically rest as well. That way I am more alert to the things He has to share with me. That way I can tune into Him. Amazing!
      With doing a DTS again, essentially I am doing the same exact thing that I did before as far as lecture go, however, I feel like I am learning more this go around than the first time. My heart is in a better place. We have had lectures on Repentance & Forgiveness [again], and God really dealt with me there. I did not initially plan on re-applying the lectures and getting up infront of my class, but I knew I had to. This time, it was not about events, and things of my past, but instead about character issues that God is working on me.
      He is stretching me to say the least. He has taken me out of my comfort zone. Out of my one-tracked mind of "july quarter" with my music DTS, my july quarter friends, the house I was living in, and out of music. Now I am learning what it means to walk in humility. To re-do things, even though I do not want to, to be a quiet leader, to play sport all the time, to lay down my music, and to live in a new room with new roommates. But God is good, He is using me, and that is encouraging to even ME! I am being stretched to be a blessing... to further the kingdom in the long run, and to live for His glory!
      I am learning what it means to walk with the Lord. I thought I was passionate about Jesus last quarter, well he has quadrupled that passion! I am SO hungry for more of the Lord. I find myself talking to God not just in my quiet times or in worship times, but all day during everything! I love having a two-way relationship with my savior! He is so cool! 

      So that is just a bit of what has been going on. Tomorrow, we have to decide where we feel God is calling us on outreach. Here are our choices:
Team 1:
Mozambique, Africa [6 weeks]
& Southwest Australia [4 weeks]

Team 2:
Cambodia [6 weeks]
Thailand [1 week]
China [4 weeks]

      I will announce soon where I will be going to! But for now you can pray that God would begin to bring unity to the teams even before they are officially announced! You guys are amazing and I thank each of you for your prayers! 

Until next time...