Someone recently described the importance of full faith in God that His timing is perfect. They used the example of our inheritance. As christians, we have an inheritance. By default, if we truly recognize what it means to follow Jesus, we're investing; either in prayer, in relationship, in finances, in practical help, and in love. The overflow of that is our inheritance.
When God led the Israelites out of Egypt, He spoke so clearly to Moses; God will provide. However, He didn't give Moses the specifics. Eventually Moses and the people were tired and frustrated of waiting for God's blessing and provision, that Moses struck the rock to find water. Because of this....He was not able to walk into His inheritance. It didn't mean that he didn't have an inheritance, but he was never able to experience it to the full.
How often do I want to rush God's timing on things? How often to I mistrust Him? Too often.
I feel as if this is one of the main things God has highlighted to me in the last month or so. He is growing me in patience and trust. Even more so, He's growing me in my understanding of His supremacy. He is supreme. His ways are higher than my own. He is Lord. I am not.
I have been so blown away by God's faithfulness. He's provided so much for me. He's given me opportunities to get things right a second and third and fourth time. He's shown me Himself.
Yet, I still try to take things into my own hands.
There are some things in my life right now that I really want and even maybe need. But I can't make anything happen. I can't do it on my own.
God's timing is perfect. My mom used to always say "The right thing at the wrong time, is the wrong thing." I want the right the right time. I want my trust to increase. His timing is perfect. His timing concerning family, relationships, future, finances, breakthrough. It's perfect because He is perfect.
He doesn't hold back because He's a mean God. He doesn't hold back at all. He just simply knows what is best for us when.