Sunday, August 19, 2012

Make Complacency My Enemy...

"Hear me Oh Lord when I cry.
I'm broken, I'm thirsty, and I'm tried.
God make complacency my enemy and your fight.
Let desperation be like David's key for my life.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me;
my cup runneth over, my cup runneth over.
The broke, the contrite you have yet to deny.
I lay before you; I lay bare before you.

No you're never gonna leave me dry
No you don't, no you don't' no you don't
You're always willing; my cup you'll be filling

You fill us with your love; overwhelm us with you love.
Take us from the ashes, seat us with princes.
It's what you do; it's just what you do!"
- Never Gonna Leave Me Dry - IHOPKC

This song has come up so many times this week during base worship, school worship, worship night, and in my quiet times! I have really made this my prayer! One of the words spoken over our school is that we "make complacency our enemy"! What a prayer! God has really been speaking to me about a lot of things the past week or so and I can't wait for Him to continue speaking. 

With all that said, I am really sorry that I haven't posted an update in a while! I have no legitimate excuse! So i'll get right into it. Since my last blog we have had lectures on the Father Heart of God, Submission & Authority, and this past week was on Missions! Talk about heavy topics! Father Heart was really good, and I embraced the healing that came through seeing God as my Heavenly Father. Authority & Submission was also great and very challenging. However, my favorite week thus far has been Missions. We had the National Director for YWAM Bangladesh speak to us. Originally from Papua New Guinea, he has truly adopted Bangladesh as his home. It was so great to see someone who has SO much passion for the nations and has so much passion to see others catch the same passion. He talked a lot about the imbalance in missions and mission support! Did you know that only 10% of Christians support missionaries!? That makes me really sad!

On Friday, we applied Missions by "adopting a country." We were given a list of unreached countries to pray about. Part of adopting a country is to pray, give, or go. At first I didn't feel like i was discerning what God was saying to me, however as I kept praying, God clearly spoke SYRIA to me. Wait... what? Why? I was kinda bummed because I was hoping God would speak a south-east asian or african country to me. But God really pressed Syria on my heart and as I kept praying about it, God began to give me an excitement. Yes I have to admit that I didn't even know where Syria was, but now I know that I have to find out more about the country and definitely keep it in my prayer. 

During the course of the week, I really witnessed God reveal His call on my life for missions/ministry. In reality, I think I have always been called to missions, but it took this week for my eyes to be opened to it. I have never wanted to lead an ordinary lifestyle, and I don't want to. God has called me to be apart of the world, to live in the world, and to see it change. The thought of living the "american dream" sickens me. Not saying that it is wrong, and yes for some people that dream is awesome, but for me particularly, I know God has called me to live out of the normal. Having a call in missions is very scary, but also VERY exciting! 

So yes folks, I, Grace Eggers am going to be a missionary!

Talk to you soon! I promise I won't keep you waiting again, 
Grace Eggers

- Pray for my outreach team going to London and Hyderabad, India
- Pray that God will bring in funds for outreach! We need $4,500 each! (Ask God also if He would have you partner with me in supporting me financially with my costs)
- Pray for direction as to what to do after DTS
- Pray for continued health for my body recovering from Mononucleosis/Glandular Fever

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